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Class: Messianic Prophecies–Isaiah

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Messianic Prophecies–Isaiah

Don Ruhl • Savage Street, Grants Pass, Oregon • October 28, In the year of our Lord, 2012


Isaiah spoke of the Messiah so often that many have called him the Messianic Prophet, and still others have referred to the prophet as the fifth evangelist, because the New Testament uses his prophecies, according to some, four hundred times!

That means that 47 of his 66 chapters find their way into the New Testament in some form.

Only the Psalms appear to have been used more in the New Testament.

  1. His House for All Nations – Isaiah 2.2–4
    1. This prophecy concerns the latter days, or as Paul says in First Corinthians 10.11, upon us in the church have come the end of the ages.
      1. Therefore, Isaiah’s prophecy concerns the time of the church,
        1. which just like the prophecy is a house for all nations.
      2. People would go to the Messiah to learn of His ways that they might walk in His paths, but
        1. He would also judge and rebuke the nations,
        2. bringing peace between these peoples.
    2. This pictures Jesus as the Head of the church, and the church itself perfectly.
      1. It all began in Jerusalem, and has now spread all over the globe.
      2. Matthew 28.18–20 show Jesus of Nazareth commanding His disciples, and us by extension, to go into all the nations and make disciples for Him, because every nation must hear the good news (Mark 16.15, 16), and all nations can then repent after they have heard of His judgments and rebukes (Luke 24.46, 47).
      3. The Book of Acts shows the perfect carrying out of the Lord’s wishes.
  1. The Branch of the Lord – Isaiah 4.2–6
    1. The “Branch” is used elsewhere to clearly identify the Messiah, and when we get to those passages, we will note the corresponding New Testament passages.
    2. First, notice the parallelism of verse 2:
      1. “In that day the Branch of the Lord”
      2. “And the fruit of the earth”
        1. “shall be beautiful and glorious”
        2. “shall be excellent and appealing”
          1. Thus, the Messiah is both the Branch of the Lord and the Fruit of the Earth,
          2. showing both His divine and human natures.
    3. Verses 3–6 show the beautiful and glorious, excellent and appealing things that the Messiah enjoys and that people can have who belong to Him:
      1. They shall be called holy.
      2. The Messiah shall have cleansed away filth by the spirit of judgment and burning.
      3. The Messiah shall be a guide as He was for Israel in the wilderness.
      4. The Messiah shall provide a tabernacle for protection, refuge, and shelter.
  1. The Glory of the Messiah – Isaiah 6.1–5
    1. After reading the whole text, whom did Isaiah say he saw?
      1. He saw the Lord.
      2. He saw the Lord of hosts. (Note the small capitalization.)
      3. He saw the King, the Lord of hosts.
    2. What else did the prophet see and hear in association with the One he saw?
      1. The Lord sat on an exalted throne, and the train of His robe filled the temple.
      2. The prophet saw the seraphim and hear them announcing the holiness of the Lord of hosts.
      3. The prophet saw and heard the posts of the door in the temple shaking.
      4. The prophet saw the house fill with smoke.
    3. Whom then shall we conclude Isaiah saw?
      1. He saw God.
      2. However, consider what John the apostle says about Isaiah’s experience.
    4. In John 12.35, 36 the apostle told us what Jesus said on one occasion, and then commented that Jesus of Nazareth had spoken.
      1. John then comments that the people did not believe in Jesus in spite of the abundance of signs He had done among them (v. 37),
      2. which John said fulfilled Isaiah’s words of Isaiah 53.1 (v. 38).
    5. How could people not believe that Jesus was the Messiah?
      1. John explained their inability to believe by quoting Isaiah 6.9, 10,
      2. that the Lord had blinded their eyes, and hardened their hearts (vv. 39, 40).
        1. John explained further in verse 41
        2. that Isaiah said those things in Isaiah 6.9, 10
          1. on the occasion when Isaiah saw the glory of Jesus!
          2. Now let us read Isaiah 6.6–10.
            1. Verses 1–10 is all one context.
            2. Therefore, verses 1–5 show us the Messiah, but
              1. remember what we concluded as to who Isaiah saw.
              2. He saw the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the King,
              3. who was obviously divine.
  1. Born of a Virgin – Isaiah 7.14
    1. Amazingly, some people, who do accept other parts of the Bible, find it hard to believe that a virgin could conceive and bring forth a son.
      1. I would like to say to those people something similar to what Paul said to King Agrippa and those with him,

        8 “Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead?” (Acts 26.8).

        1. Why should it be thought incredible by you that God causes a virgin to give birth?
        2. If you can believe the first verse of the Bible, you can believe the rest of the Bible.
          1. If God can create the heavens and the earth with the simple power of His spoken word, He can cause a virgin, whom He created in the first place, to bypass the natural birthing process, which He also created, to bring forth a child.
          2. He made Adam and Eve not only without human fathers, but without human mothers.
        3. The truth is, those who reject the virgin birth of the Christ, also reject creation, and Adam and Eve as historical persons.
      2. How do we know Isaiah 7.14 referred to the Messiah?
        1. This was something that the Lord was doing, and
        2. the name given to the son born shows that He was more than just another boy born into the world.
    2. Matthew, writing under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, shows how the birth of Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy (Matt 1.18–23).
    3. If God were to enter the world, would we not expect Him to have an unusual entrance into the world?
  1. Land Preserved for the Messianic Promise – Isaiah 8.8
    1. Verses 1–4 set the stage for the coming of the Assyrian king who would attack Israel, filling the land with his army, but
      1. the land belongs to “Immanuel.”
      2. Therefore, the Assyrians would never eternally possess the land, for
        1. God had yet to fulfill all His promises and prophecies of the Messiah.
    2. The New Testament shows Israel in the land and the Assyrians are no more.
      1. Therefore, God kept His promise and
      2. brought the Messiah into the world.
  1. A Sanctuary and a Stumbling Stone – Isaiah 8.14, 15
    1. Isaiah heard various conspiracy theories, but
      1. the Lord told the prophet not to be troubled by those things,
      2. rather he should hallow and fear the Lord, for
        1. He would be a sanctuary for Isaiah (also for others like the prophet),
        2. whereas for those who rejected the Lord, He would be
          1. a stone of stumbling,
          2. a rock of offense,
          3. a trap, and
          4. a snare.
    2. Viewing history confirms the fulfillment of this prophecy.
      1. Biblical or New Testament history shows the fulfillment, but
      2. world history shows over and over again
        1. that the Messiah serves as a sanctuary for those who believe in Him, but
        2. He serves as a stumbling stone for those who reject Him.
    3. Matthew 21.43, 44
    4. First Peter 2.7, 8
  1. Minister in Galilee – Isaiah 9.1, 2
    1. Even in the Old Testament the Bible had shown that the Messiah would come from a lowly place, a place where Gentiles lived, which was away from Jerusalem.
      1. Picture in your mind what the prophet said.
      2. People were sitting in darkness when suddenly they saw a great light, not just light, but a great light, a light the world had never seen before.
    2. Matthew 4.12–17
    3. John 7.50–21
  1. Begin as a Child, a Son – Isaiah 9.6
    1. Isaiah 7.14 already showed that the Messiah would be born of a virgin, and
      1. here the prophecy of a birth continues.
      2. He would be born as a human, in particular as a male.
    2. Luke 1.31
    3. Luke 2.11
  1. His Government – Isaiah 9.6, 7
    1. He would shoulder the government
      1. with the blessing that His government and peace would always increase
        1. as He would sit upon David’s throne, and
        2. as He would reign over His kingdom.
      2. Moreover, He would establish and order it with judgment and justice.
    2. Luke 1.32, 33
  1. His Name – Isaiah 9.6
    1. Notice the singular “name,” but then the five names that follow.
      1. Wonderful
      2. Counselor
      3. Mighty God
        1. Jeremiah 32.18 and Isaiah 49.26 show that Jehovah or Yahweh is the Mighty God.
      4. Everlasting Father
        1. The American Standard Version of 1901 says, “Heb. Father of Eternity.”
      5. Prince of Peace
  1. From the Stem of Jesse – Isaiah 11.1
    1. Who was Jesse?
      1. He was the father of David.
      2. Thus, this could be another way of saying that the Messiah would descend through David, or it could simply be referring to Jesse as a godly man.
    2. Luke 3.23, 31, 32
    3. Matthew 2.23
      1. “Now, Nazareth, if desired from netzer [Hebrew for “stem,” in Isaiah 11.1, DR], answered to its name, and was a despised place (John i. 45, 46), and Jesus, though in truth a Bethlehemite, bore the name Nazarene because it fitly expressed the contempt of those who despised and rejected him” (McGarvey, p. 56).
  1. The Spirit Shall Rest upon Him – Isaiah 11.2
    1. That we might know that the Messiah would have the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the prophet listed seven qualities of the Spirit, showing the complete Spirit:
      1. The Messiah would have
        1. the Spirit of the Lord,
        2. the Spirit of wisdom,
        3. the Spirit of understanding,
        4. the Spirit of counsel,
        5. the Spirit of might,
        6. the Spirit of knowledge,
        7. the Spirit of the fear of the Lord.
      2. What did the prophecy leave out?
      3. Nothing that I can see.
    2. Matthew 3.16, 17
  1. How He Shall Judge – Isaiah 11.3–5
    1. John 7.24
  1. Gentiles Shall Seek the Root of Jesse – Isaiah 11.10
    1. John 12.20, 21
  1. The Key of David – Isaiah 22.22
    1. Initially this prophecy speaks of Eliakim (v. 20), but then Jesus uses the terminology in Revelation 3.7.
    2. Eliakim can then be a type of the Messiah.
    3. What is the key of David?
      1. First, let us ask what a key does.
        1. A key locks and unlocks.
        2. Therefore, having the key of David means to lock and unlock something of David’s, and the prophecy emphasizes the absolute authority of this key, especially in the hand of the Messiah.
        3. Once He unlocks something, no one can close the door and lock it.
        4. Once He locks something, no one can unlock the door and open it.
      2. Next, this key unlocks the house of David.
        1. Also, in the letters to the seven churches of Asia, at the beginning of every letter, Jesus speaks of Himself using the descriptions found in Revelation 1, but the key of David is not in Revelation.
        2. However, the “keys of Hades and of Death,” are found (1.18).
        3. Could then the key of David be the key for Hades and Death.
  1. The Resurrection – Isaiah 25.8
    1. First Corinthians 15.54
    2. Revelation 1.18
    3. Since He will swallow up death by means of the resurrection, He shall thereby wipe away tears from all faces (Cf. Rev 7.17; 21.4).
  1. Others Raised at His Resurrection – Isaiah 26.19 (Some translations)
    1. Matthew 27.51–53
    2. If your translation does not support this view, your translation still supports the fact that the Messiah would raise people from the dead.
  1. The Cornerstone – Isaiah 28.16
    1. The Lord God announced that He would lay a foundation stone, in particular the cornerstone.
      1. This implies the construction of a building.
      2. The cornerstone was
        1. tried,
        2. precious, and
        3. sure.
          1. These show the ordeal that the Messiah would experience, but
          2. that He was also precious in the sight of God,
            1. although we learn elsewhere that men would reject the cornerstone.
            2. This whole thing was sure to come to pass.
    2. Acts 4.7–12
    3. First Peter 2.4–8
  1. People Would Worship the Messiah Hypocritically – Isaiah 29.13
    1. The Lord revealed by the prophet that the people would in fact draw near to Him, but only with their mouths and lips.
      1. Inwardly, their hearts would be far away.
      2. They would fear God, but not based on His commandments, or what He told in the Scriptures, but their fear of God would be rooted in what man commanded.
    2. Matthew 15.1–9
  1. Messiah Would Confound the Wise – Isaiah 29.14
    1. Since the people would have their fear of God rooted in the teachings and commandments of men, they had expectations of God that proved false.
      1. Therefore, when He did reveal the Messiah and the work that He would do, namely, how He would save people,
      2. the wise would disbelieve.
    2. Matthew 11.25
    3. First Corinthians 1.18–31
  1. Reign in Righteousness – Isaiah 32.1–8
    1. Isaiah announced the coming of a king in which He would reign in righteousness, then Isaiah showed the results of that reign of righteousness (vv. 2–8).
  1. A Ministry of Miracles – Isaiah 35.4–7
    1. Any miracle is such a wonder, but causing the blind to see and the deaf to hear is not only wonderful for people to regain or to gain these senses, but think of what it does to someone’s life.
    2. Matthew 11.4–6
  1. A Forerunner – Isaiah 40.3–5
    1. Every king has someone announcing his arrival.
      1. How does the forerunner of the Messiah prepare the way before Him?
    2. Mark 1.1–4
    3. Luke 1.17 shows how the forerunner would make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
    4. John 1.19–28
  1. Messiah Is God – Isaiah 40.3–9
    1. We just saw that verses 3–5 spoke of the forerunner of the Messiah, calling the forerunner, “the voice,” and John refers to himself in that manner.
      1. However, if you keep reading, you will discover that the context continues with the voice asking what shall he cry (vv. 6–8).
      2. Then the answer that comes back is also quoted in the New Testament (1Pe 1.24, 25).
      3. Then verses 9–11 continue the context, and the prophet said that the forerunner was to announce their God.
    2. For whom did John prepare the way?
      1. He prepared the way for Jesus, but the prophecy of Isaiah shows that the forerunner would prepare the way for God the Lord.
      2. Therefore, Jesus is the Messiah who is God.
  1. As a Shepherd – Isaiah 40.10, 11
    1. These verses continue the prophecy, so that what these two verses say, we know they speak of the Messiah.
      1. The Messiah would be God who comes in His strength, but
      2. who is also compassionate as a shepherd.
    2. John 10.11–18
  1. Gentle Justice – Isaiah 42.1–4
    1. Actually, this passage could be broken up into parts:
      1. Messiah is the servant of the Lord.
      2. Messiah is God’s delight.
      3. Messiah has the Spirit of God.
      4. Messiah will bring justice to the Gentiles.
      5. Messiah will be gentle.
      6. Messiah will not harm the discouraged, the weak, etc.
      7. Messiah will stay on course until the job is done.
    2. Here I just want to consider His paradoxical nature of justice and gentleness.
    3. Matthew 12.15–21
  1. Spiritual Light and Other Spiritual Blessings – Isaiah 42.5–9
    1. Pay attention to the speaker in these verses.
      1. It is God the Lord.
      2. It is the Creator.
    2. Luke 2.32
    3. John 8.12
    4. Acts 13.47
  1. Everyone Shall Acknowledge Him – Isaiah 45.22-24
    1. Who does the speaking in this passage?
      1. God does, for He says so plainly in verse 22.
      2. To whom then shall every knee bow and every tongue confess?
        1. God said this would happen.
        2. God would have His righteousness and strength in Yahweh (v. 24).
    2. Romans 14.10–12
    3. Philippians 2.9–11
  1. The First and the Last – Isaiah 48.12
    1. Who spoke this verse?
      1. In verse 13, the same one continued to speak, saying that He had laid the foundation of the earth, He had stretched out the heavens, and when He calls to creation, it stands up ready (perhaps ready to obey).
    2. Yet, when you come to the New Testament, Jesus lays claim to being the First and the Last, and any Jew or anyone else who knew the Old Testament, would know that Jesus was claiming Isaiah 48.12 for Himself.
    3. Revelation 1.8, 11, 17
  1. Sent by Yahweh and His Spirit – Isaiah 48.16
    1. If the Messiah is from God, and is the Son of God, the Lord of heaven and earth, then it should not surprise us to find Him speaking in the Old Testament, especially in prophecies.
    2. What He said here is consistent with what the New Testament reveals about Jesus of Nazareth.
  1. Called from the Womb – Isaiah 49.1, 2
    1. We are familiar with other passages referring to the birth of the Messiah, but for some reason we do not know this passage very well.
      1. The Messiah says we should listen to Him, because the Yahweh called Him from the womb, making His mouth as a sharp sword.
      2. Of course, the Messiah already had this role before He was conceived in the womb, but this passage emphasizes that from the moment of His humanity, Yahweh God had a plan for Him.
    2. Consider the events surrounding the birth of Jesus:
      1. Matthew 1.18–21
      2. Matthew 2.1–12
      3. Luke 1.31–35
      4. Luke 2.9–14
      5. Luke 2.25–35
      6. Luke 2.36–38
      7. Even when He was 12, He knew what His life was about (Luke 2.41–50). Where did He get such knowledge?
  1. His Name Called Before Birth – Isaiah 49.1
    1. It is not just that He was named before birth, because that is not all that different since untold numbers are named before they are born, but this prophecy speaks of God naming the Messiah before His birth.
    2. Matthew 1.21–23
    3. Luke 1.30, 31
  1. His Words Sharp as a Sword – Isaiah 49.2
    1. Actually verse 2 uses more than the sword to illustrate the Messiah, comparing His words to a sharp sword, and that He would be like a polished shaft, and He would be in the quiver of God, meaning that the Messiah would be like an arrow.
    2. Revelation 1.16
  1. His Seemingly Fruitless Work – Isaiah 49.4
    1. You know the feeling of having done something great, putting your life, hard work, time, and soul into a person, or a project, but then nothing seems to come of it, although you know that God shall bless you for what you have done.
      1. The Messiah would know the feeling.
      2. Isaiah will prophesy elsewhere of the sorrow that the Messiah will have over the rejection of Israel and the world (Isa 53).
    2. Matthew 8.10
    3. Matthew 23.37, 38
    4. Mark 6.6
    5. Mark 8.12
  1. A Servant from the Womb – Isaiah 49.5
    1. From the womb God called the Messiah a servant, because He would not come to do His own will, but the will of God.
    2. Philippians 2.7
    3. John 6.38 declares why Jesus came to the Earth, and that obviously started with His birth.
  1. For All People – Isaiah 49.6
    1. Matthew 15.24
    2. Luke 2.29–32
    3. John 3.16
    4. Acts 13.47
  1. Worshiped the Despised One – Isaiah 49.7
    1. John 1.10, 11
    2. John 8.48, 49
    3. John 10.20
    4. The crucifixion and surrounding events
  1. Words from God – Isaiah 50.4, 5
    1. John 12.48–50
  1. Treatment Before Crucifixion – Isaiah 50.6–9
    1. Matthew 26.67
    2. Matthew 27.26
  1. An Exalted Servant – Isaiah 52.13
    1. John 9.4
    2. Ephesians 1.19–23
    3. Philippians 2.5–8
  1. Shocking Abuse – Isaiah 52.14
    1. Matthew 26.67, 68
    2. Matthew 27.26
    3. Matthew 27.29, 30
    4. Mark 14.65
    5. Mark 15.15
    6. Mark 15.16–19
    7. Luke 22.63, 64
    8. Luke 23.11
    9. John 19.1–3
    10. The crucifixion itself
  1. His Blood for All Nations – Isaiah 52.15
    1. He would sprinkle many nations, refers to the sprinkling of His blood.
    2. Revelation 1.5
  1. The Reaction of Authorities – Isaiah 52.15
    1. Romans 15.18–21
  1. Not Believed – Isaiah 53.1
    1. John 12.37, 38
  1. Unexpected Background – Isaiah 53.2a
    1. Luke 2.22–24, then see Leviticus 12.6, 8
    2. John 1.43–46
  1. Not Handsome – Isaiah 53.2b
    1. We have no record of His physical appearance, because people were not impressed with it, but they sought to know Him as He was on the inside.
  1. Rejected – Isaiah 53.3a
    1. Luke 4.28, 29
    2. Matthew 27.21–23
  1. Acquainted with Grief – Isaiah 53.3b
    1. Luke 19.41–44
    2. Mark 15.33, 34
  1. Men Would Hide and Fail to Value Him – Isaiah 53.3cd
    1. Mark 14.50
  1. Bore Our Griefs and Sorrows – Isaiah 53.4a
    1. Matthew 8.16, 17
    2. This part emphasizes that He would deal with the consequences of sins, not that every illness or physical problem comes from a specific sin, but all problems of the flesh in this world are here because of sin.
    3. Sin defiled the world (Rom 5.12).
  1. Bore Our Sins – Isaiah 53.4a
    1. First Peter 2.24
    2. And countless other passages.
  1. The Value Placed upon Him – Isaiah 53.4b
    1. The value humanity placed upon the Messiah:
      1. Stricken,
      2. Smitten by God, and
      3. Afflicted.
    2. Compare with Zechariah 13.7.
    3. Matthew 27.39–44
  1. Suffer for Our Sins – Isaiah 53.5a
    1. First Peter 2.21–24
  1. His Chastisement Brought Peace – Isaiah 53.b
    1. Colossians 1.19, 20
  1. Scourged – Isaiah 53.5c
    1. Mark 10.34
    2. Mark 15.15
  1. Bear Humanity’s Sin – Isaiah 53.4–6
    1. Galatians 1.4
    2. First Peter 2.24, 25
    3. First John 4.10
  1. Oppressed – Isaiah 53.7
    1. Consider the treatment of Jesus at all His trials, including the scourging later, and the crucifixion itself.
    2. Acts 8.30–39
  1. Silent – Isaiah 53.7
    1. Before the Jews – Mark 14.60, 61
    2. Before the Pilate – Mark 15.2–5
    3. Before Herod – Luke 23.6–9
  1. Like a Lamb – Isaiah 53.7
    1. John 1.29, 35–37
    2. Acts 8.32
    3. First Peter 1.18, 19
    4. Revelation 5.6–14
  1. Undefended at Trial – Isaiah 53.8a
    1. Mark 14.50
    2. The accounts of the Gospel show Him alone.
    3. Not even Peter stood with the Lord.
  1. Killed After Defenseless Judgment – Isaiah 53.8b
    1. See Daniel 9.26
  1. Cut Off for Other’s Transgressions – Isaiah 53.8c
    1. Countless New Testament passages.
    2. First John 2.2
  1. His Death and Grave – Isaiah 53.9a
    1. Matthew 27.38
    2. Matthew 27.57–60
  1. Innocent – Isaiah 53.9b
    1. His burial showed that He was innocent, for although men put Him between two criminals, yet when it came time for His burial they put Him with the rich, someone that we assume is not a criminal.
    2. John 18.38; 19.4, 6
  1. His Suffering Pleased the Father – Isaiah 53.10
    1. Not that the Father enjoyed the suffering of His Son, but the suffering satisfied the demand of the Law, and so the Judge of all the Earth was satisfied, and now we do not have to suffer.
    2. John 18.11
  1. Resurrection – Isaiah 53.10
    1. The Father would prolong the days of the Messiah, hinting on the resurrection.
    2. John 20.1–18
  1. Would Prosper – Isaiah 53.10
    1. Has Jesus prospered since then?
  1. God Satisfied – Isaiah 53.11
    1. Luke 23.34
    2. Acts 2ff
  1. God’s Servant – Isaiah 53.11
    1. John 4.34
    2. John 5.30
    3. John 6.38–40
    4. Matthew 26.39
  1. Justify Many – Isaiah 53.11
    1. Rom 3.19–23
  1. Bear the Iniquities of Many – Isaiah 53.11
    1. Hebrews 9.27, 28
  1. Exalted by God – Isaiah 53.12a,b
    1. Matthew 28.18
    2. Philippians 2.5–11
  1. Pour Out His Soul – Isaiah 53.12c
    1. Mark 14.34
    2. John 12.27
    3. Luke 23.46
  1. Numbered with Transgressors – Isaiah 53.12d
    1. Mark 15.27
  1. Bear the Sin of Many – Isaiah 53.12e
    1. First Peter 2.24
  1. Intercede for Transgressors – Isaiah 53.12f
    1. Luke 23.34
    2. Acts 2.38
    3. Heb 4.14
    4. Heb 8.1
    5. Heb 9.23
  1. Gives a Drink – Isaiah 55.1
    1. John 4.10–14
    2. John 7.37–39
  1. To Be Resurrected – Isaiah 55.3
    1. Acts 13.34
  1. A Witness, Leader, and a Commander – Isaiah 55.4
    1. John 18.37
  1. The Nations Shall Know the Messiah – Isaiah 55.5
    1. Matthew 28.18–20
    2. Mark 16.15, 16
    3. Luke 24.46, 47
  1. Intercessor and Redeemer – Isaiah 59.16–21
    1. Romans 11.26, 27
  1. A Light for the Gentiles – Isaiah 60.1–3
    1. Luke 2.32
    2. Acts 28.28
  1. Would Have the Spirit for Multiple Purposes – Isaiah 61.1–3
    1. Matthew 3.16, 17
    2. Luke 4.16–21
  1. His People Will Get a New Name – Isaiah 62.1–5
    1. Verse 2 declares that a new name will be given, because of the marriage of the Messiah and His people, according to verses 4 and 5.
    2. Acts 11.19–26
  1. Bring Salvation – Isaiah 62.11
    1. Couple with Zechariah 9.9
    2. Matthew 21.1–11
  1. Come with Vengeance – Isaiah 63.1–6
    1. John 5.22, 26, 27, 30
    2. John 9.39
    3. Revelation 19.11–16
  1. Bring New Heaven and New Earth – Isaiah 65.17–25
    1. Second Corinthians 5.17
    2. Second Peter 3.13
    3. Revelation 21.1, 2, 5
  1. For All Nations – Isaiah 66.18–24
    1. Mark 16.15, 16
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