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Bulletin Articles from January 22, AD 2012

Knowing Christian History

By Don Ruhl

Exodus 1.8 makes a frightening statement about Egypt and Israel, for what happened to Israel is happening in the Western nations of the world, “Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.”

The Egyptians ceased teaching their children and erased from their public records, the story of how Joseph, a God-fearing man, saved Egypt. That led to the slavery of Joseph’s people.

In the Western nations the schools do not teach Christian and church history of their respective nations, and those governments are erasing the story of Christians, God, the Bible, and related things from their public records.

What then shall happen in those nations? Shall Christians be put to slavery? Not necessarily, but something bad will happen.

It is time for the churches to start holding classes that teach the histories of their nations and the part Bible-believers, churches, and the Bible have played in their nations.

Do Not Bother Us!

By Don Ruhl

A woman begged Jesus for help, “But He answered her not a word.” She gave up trying to get help from Him and went to His disciples. She would not leave them alone. So, “His disciples came and urged Him, saying, ‘Send her away, for she cries out after us’” (Matt 15.23).

That makes me laugh. Perhaps I laugh because I have had that happen to me. No one else would help someone, often a woman, and so she comes to me, begging for help of some kind. It becomes annoying. Yet, did I miss doing a good work even as the disciples did?

What should you do when someone keeps calling out to you for help?

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