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Bulletin Articles from November 9, AD 2014

The Medes Against the Babylonians

Listen to the Lord when He made battle plans against Babylon,

Make the arrows bright!
Gather the shields!
The Lord has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes.
For His plan is against Babylon to destroy it,
Because it is the vengeance of the Lord,
The vengeance for His temple.
Set up the standard on the walls of Babylon;
Make the guard strong…
For the Lord has both devised and done
What He spoke against the inhabitants of Babylon.
(Jeremiah 51.11–14) 

Although they could only see the Medes attacking, yet, Jeremiah revealed that the Lord brought on the whole thing, because of the sins of Babylon.

We may not see with the eye the Lord doing things, but He works behind the scenes. DR

When God Makes a Promise…

When God makes a promise, by whom shall He swear that He will keep His promise? Listen to the Hebrew writer, “For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, ‘Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you’” (Hebrews 6.13–14).

Then all that has to be done next is to see whether He does it. Did He do as promised to Abraham? Yes, He did.

What promises has He made to us Christians? Whatever those promises are, He will keep them, such as promising to be with us as we go through death, or to forgive us when we repent, confess our sins, and ask for His forgiveness, and many other promises. DR

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