Sermon: The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth


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Purpose: To show that Jesus did rise from the dead and the significance of it

The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth

Do you know what the resurrection of Jesus means for you?

Don Ruhl • Savage Street, Grants Pass, Oregon • March 27, In the year of our Lord, 2016

Song Leader and Song Suggestions: Kevin Michael – Songs of hope, judgment, or Jesus, especially His resurrection


  1. The creation of man
    1. Genesis 1–2
  2. The sin of man
    1. Genesis 3–6
  3. The punishment of man
    1. Genesis 6–9
  4. The scattering of man
    1. Genesis 10–11
  5. The promise for man
    1. Genesis 12ff
    2. Genesis 12.3
  6. The hope of man
    1. All the messianic prophecies
    2. Psalm 16.8–11
  7. The Savior of man
    1. Jesus and His ministry
    2. Jesus and His death
    3. Jesus and His resurrection


  1. Jesus Foretold His Resurrection
    1. Matthew 20.19
  2. Jesus Made Himself Available
    1. Luke 24.37–39
    2. First Corinthians 15.5–8
      1. Still living, thus they could be cross-examined
    3. First John 1.1–4
  3. Jesus’ Resurrection Converted Skeptics
    1. James
      1. The brother of Jesus did not believe initially
      2. John 7.5
      3. Mark 3.20–21
      4. To whom did Jesus entrust the care of His mother while on the cross?
        1. Where were His brothers and sisters?
      5. Later we find James as a powerful leader
        1. Acts 1.14
        2. Acts 12.17
        3. Acts 21.18
        4. Galatians 2.9
    2. Paul
      1. Acts 26.8–11
  4. The Fearful Became Fearless
    1. What did the apostles do after the Jews arrested Jesus?
    2. Where were they when Jesus appeared to them?
      1. John 20.19
    3. Later, they changed the whole world for all time.
      1. Acts 2.32
      2. Look at Peter in particular
        1. Acts 2.23, 36
        2. Acts 3.13–15
        3. Acts 4.10
        4. Acts 5.30
  5. The Tomb of Jesus Is Empty
    1. Both the Romans and the Jews admitted that Jesus was not in His tomb
    2. Matthew 28.11–15
  6. The Existence of the Church
    1. From the beginning, the church preached the resurrected-Jesus.
    2. The church did not dream up this teaching in later centuries


  1. Now get these two things:
    1. The resurrection of Jesus means you can also be resurrected.
      1. Rom 8.11
    2. The resurrection of Jesus guarantees that a great Judgment Day is coming.
      1. Acts 17.30–31
  2. By the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth God gives you the Abrahamic blessing