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Class: Hermeneutics – You Can Understand the Bible








Third Principle

Don Ruhl • Savage Street, Grants Pass, Oregon • August 12, AD 2018

You Can Understand the Bible

  1. God gave the Bible to be understood, believed, and obeyed.
    1. God holds us responsible for each of those three things.
    2. We can use helps, but ultimately I must understand Scripture for myself.
  2. The Bible proclaims that it can be understood.
    1. Psa 1.1–3
    2. Isa 1.18
    3. Matt 4.4
    4. Luke 1.1–4
    5. Luke 8.15
    6. John 8.31, 32
    7. John 12.47–50
    8. John 17.20
    9. John 20.30, 31
    10. Acts 17.11, 12
    11. Rom 15.4
    12. Eph 4.14, 15
    13. Eph 5.17
    14. 2Th 3.14
    15. 1Ti 4.13
    16. 2Ti 2.15
    17. 2Ti 3.14–17
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