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Class: Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment


Download the Notes: 03242013MessianicProphecies–DanielDonRuhl

Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment–Daniel 

Don Ruhl • Savage Street, Grants Pass, Oregon • March 10, In the year of our Lord, 2013


  1. Set Up a Kingdom – Dan 2.44
    1. Heb 12.28
    2. Rev 11.15
  1. Ascend to Heaven – Dan 7.13, 14
    1. Acts 1.9
  1. Time of Messiah’s Kingdom – Dan 7.23–27
    1. Luke 2.1ff
    2. Mark 9.1
  1. Messiah’s Work – Dan 9.24
    1. His work would consist of:
      1. Ending sin, or bringing forgiveness
      2. Making reconciliation
      3. Bringing in everlasting righteousness
      4. Sealing up vision and prophecy
      5. Anointing the Most Holy
    2. Ample New Testament evidence
  1. Timing of the Messiah – Dan 9.25
    1. The countdown began with the rebuilding of Jerusalem, not the temple.
    2. Days equal years, hence a week a unit of seven years.
      1. From the beginning of 70 weeks
      2. to the mid-point of the 70th week
        1. there are 486.5 years.
        2. The command was issued in 457 bc.
          1. 475 + 486.5 = 29.5
          2. Jesus died in ad 30.
            1. His ministry lasted for 3.5 years.
            2. He began in ad 26.
  1. Messiah Killed – Dan 9.26
    1. Killed, but not for Himself.
    2. He did not sin.
    3. 1Co 15.3
    4. Gal 1.4
    5. 1Jo 2.2
    6. 1Jo 4.10
  1. Messiah Makes a Covenant – Dan 9.27
    1. Mark 13.14
    2. Matt 23.38
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