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Bulletin Articles from March 16, AD 2014: When God blesses nations and churches & The day the sun refused to shine

When God blesses nations and churches


The Lord had Moses reveal to Israel the blessings for obeying the Law of Moses, and in Deuteronomy 28.8–13, he noted these blessings for obedience:

  1. He would bless all that they set their hand to do.
  2. He would bless them in the land.
  3. He would establish them as a holy people.
  4. The peoples of the earth would fear Israel.
  5. Israel would be fruitful in their bodies, with their livestock, and in the ground.
  6. He would send the rain.
  7. Israel would lend and not borrow.
  8. Israel would be the head and not the tail.
  9. Israel would be above only, and not below.

Let every nation today hear how the Lord would bless Israel and why He would do it.

Let every church see that we are also to obey the Lord that He may bless our home congregation in the Spirit, and the people in our towns will see it and want to be part of us. DR


The day the sun refused to shine


Jesus said that the sun belongs to our Father in heaven (Matthew 5.45). Therefore, we should not be surprised to read, that when puny men were crucifying the Son of God, “there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour” (Mark 15.33).

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