Principles for Understanding Bible Image







Fifth Principle

Don Ruhl • Savage Street, Grants Pass, Oregon • September 23, In the year of our Lord, 2018

Second Peter 1.20–21 Does Not Forbid Individual Interpretation

  1. Compare the NIV. Troy said, “only the NIV adequately translates this important passage,”

    20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1.20–21)

  2. What is the context?
    1. What is under consideration:
      1. The understanding of Scripture? Or
      2. The origin of Scripture?
    2. Notice how each paragraph begins.
    3. 1.2–4 What divine power has given us
    4. 1.5–11 Since divine power has given us what we need to grow in God grace, let us be fruitful
    5. 1.12–15 We need to be reminded of the fruitful life
    6. 1.16–21 We need to be reminded because Scripture is not cunningly devised fables, but we have the confirmation of the prophetic word
    7. What is the context of verses 20–21?
      1. Is it the understanding of Scripture?
      2. Or is it the origin of Scripture?
  3. We cannot interpret this passage to mean no one has the authority to understand Scripture for himself.
    1. That would contradict the context.
    2. It would also contradict all the passages we have seen so far.
    3. The New Testament was not written to a clergy-class for them to interpret the Scriptures for the rest of the church, but the New Testament was written to all church members.
      1. Col 4.16
      2. 1Th 5.27