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Messianic Prophecies–Proverbs 

Don Ruhl • Savage Street, Grants Pass, Oregon • October 28, In the year of our Lord, 2012


  1. Son of the Creator – Proverbs 30.4
    1. Surprisingly, this passage does not come up in many Messianic prophecy lists.
      1. Perhaps people are simply thinking that as a continuation of the thought in verses 2 and 3, Agur simply states that he does not have the knowledge of the Holy One because he, Agur, has not done the things listed in verse 4.
      2. However, the very point that Agur makes is that there is a God and He can
        1. go back and forth between heaven and earth,
        2. gather the wind in His fists,
        3. bound the waters in a garment,
        4. establish all the ends of the earth, and
          1. He has a name, and
          2. He has a Son,
            1. whose name in those days
            2. was not known.
    2. Truly all those things speak of God.
      1. From other Old Testament prophecies and from the New Testament,
      2. we know His Son to be Jesus of Nazareth.